Gertrude Stein

February 3, 1874 – July 27, 1946

Novelist, poet and playwright, Gertrude Stein, was born in Pennsylvania to a affluent, upper-middle class family. As a young child, Stein’s family moved to Europe (Vienna and Paris, to be precise) and her parents wanted to instill a strong sense of European life and sensibility in them.

It worked.
At the age of 29, with a B.A. in Psychology under her belt, Gertrude relocated to Paris. She would live there for the remainder of her life only returning to the U.S. once.

Stein’s biggest literary breakthrough came in 1933, when she published The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas. Toklas was Stein’s real-life partner and the work was written from her point of view as narrator. Many of her earlier books like Q.E.D., Three Lives and Fernhurst all became well-known following the success of Tolkas. In addition to writing, Stein was a prolific art collector. Her collection included many master works from artists like Cézanne, Gaugin, Renoir and Picasso and she operated a popular salon to showcase the collection and entertain many of the biggest names in art and literature at the time.

Stein died in 1946 from stomach cancer. Alice Toklas was by her side as she had been for the better part of 4 decades. Both are buried in their beloved Paris.


Père Lachaise Cemetery – Paris, FRANCE

Specific Location

Division 94; Along the eastern edge of this section. Right along Avenue Circulaire about 30 yards from the intersection with Avenue Pacthod.

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