Corin Redgrave

July 16, 1939 – April 06, 2010

Tony Award nominated actor, Corin Redgrave was the middle child – and only son – of legendary British actors Rachel Kempson and Michael Redgrave. Along with sisters, Lynn and Vanessa, Corin was part of the successful third generation of the Redgrave acting family.

Known most widely for his stage performances, Redgrave made a name for himself in productions ranging from Shakespeare to Tennessee Williams in both London and New York. In 1999, he was nominated for Tony and Evening Standard awards for his work in Williams’ Not About Nightingales.

On film, Redgrave mostly appeared in period pieces and a number of successful popular films in the 1990s (In the Name of the Father, Four Weddings and Funeral).

Redgrave suffered from a number of health issues throughout his adult life, including suffering a serious heart attack during a run of King Lear in London. He battled prostate cancer for the final 10 years of his life, succumbing to the disease in April of 2010…just 2 months before his sister, Lynn, died.

Corin’s daughter, Jemma, has carried on the Redgrave tradition and is a notable actress herself.


Highgate Cemetery East – London, UK

Specific Location

Enter the east section and follow the main road (Carriage Road) south. Redgrave’s grave will shortly be on your left. Just a few yards north of Douglas Adams.

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