Archive for the Les Invalides Category

Napoleon Bonaparte

Posted in Les Invalides with tags on March 3, 2014 by Cade

bonaparte1August 15,1769 – May 5, 1821

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most famous (or infamous) leaders of France in its history. Quickly rising through the tumult of the French Revolution, Napoleon, installed himself at the head of the government in a 1799 coup d’état. He named himself First Consul, but less than five years later decided that Emperor was a better gig. As the leader of the French Empire, he set in place new legal codes, more tolerant religious views and a number of other reforms. He also fought a LOT of wars. The series of coalitions that came to be known as the Napoleonic Wars left broad swaths of Europe in tatters. In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia. Not smart. Continue reading